Advanced Protection Combatives Course
This course is predominately designed for anyone who works to protect and serve their communities on a daily basis. LE, Military and security professionals face an increasing danger everyday. APCC will take clients through a modernized and in-depth curriculum during a use-of-force encounter. Starting with a law block for your specific profession, principles and concepts of use of force triangle, de-escalation, verbal resolution and more. The second phase of the course, physical compliance. Clients will practice and learn a plethora of controls, holds, takedowns, counters and sweeps while maintaining full weapon retention. Phase two will also be the time we introduce working and “responding” with a partner. Carries, restraits, escorts, etc will be covered. This Is not a theory course.
Length: 4 days
Open to: Law enforcement, military, private security professionals, contractors and qualified civilians.
Price: $500 per student
Please contact us for scheduling, ask about private training sessions for your group or organization. Also ask about our womens only self-defense course. 918-679-0400